Tuesday, March 27, 2007

#40 - Technology and Genealogy

A quick google search of the work GENEALOGY leads to tons of Internet sites dedicated to the process of checking up on your ancestors. The Chinese and the Mormons have major fixations on ancestors and have spurred a great interest in genealogy.

So what does genealogy have to do with technology? Well technology has certainly helped the ancestor search process. Many more documents have been placed online. It makes it alot easier to search records from the convenience of your study then having to trek across the globe. Musty old papers are preserved and you have the ability to easily look for great aunt Matilda.

I was thinking about genealogy due the birth of a great niece. Lucy Eleanor Bonadeo joined the human race yesterday around 3PM. Ellie (that's what the parents want to call her) is named after two great grandmothers. Thus keeping peace in the family. Now my only question is, if you wanted to call the young lady Ellie, why not Eleanor Lucy? Got to be some politics involved!

Back to genealogy, Did you know there is a Genetic DNA project? You can submit a sample of DNA and a search will be made to identify your surname history and your ancient ancestors. Click Here for more info: http://www.dnaancestryproject.com/ydna_intro_about.php

I've been back to my Grandparents homes in Romania, but that about peaks my interest in where I came from. I'm more interested in where we are heading (not a big history buff either). It takes all kinds!

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