Wednesday, March 14, 2007

#31 Computer Waste - Why we should recycle

Today is garbage day. The day we present our waste for the county to bury. Now not all things we put in the garbage is fit for burying. High Tech equipment falls into that category. Batteries, motherboards, Monitor tubes and wires are all no nos for burying in the land fill. They never (and never is a real long time) break down and can pollute water and soil for a very long time. So what should you do as an educated American?

1. Pass on what you no longer need. If its still working pass it on. Your kids, couldn't care less if it can play games. Also, I'm sure there are children in every community that don't have sufficient funds to have a home PC. Work with local schools to see that there are less deprived children.

2. If it doesn't work, then check with local recyclers. A quick GOOGLE search should find companies in your area that accept equipment for recycling. Many schools accept used ink cartridges and cell phones for the money they will receive. Yes, you have to do some leg work, but you'll feel better after you have done it.

3. If you run up to a brick wall on #2 then there are National recyclers out there. We use HP and here is a link to their site:

Please consider using the blank side of any printouts that you have for non essential print outs. Get a two sided printer. Only use color when you absolutely must. And finally if you aren't using your PC, just turn it off.

Mother Earth thanks you!

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