Tuesday, March 20, 2007

#34 - Clean PCs out of the box

Today's blog is a rant. I admit it, I confess to being angry about the issue, but its my blog so I can rant at will!

Every PC or Laptop that I set up, I have to remove and delete a ton of programs. Computers come so full of programs that you don't need that they are slow to start out with. My biggest complaint is the Antivirus teaser. Symantec is the biggest instigator of this fraud. You get a 30 or 60 day complimentary trial of the antivirus. Come the end of the trial period and you are reminded (constantly) that you need to pay list price to continue to get protection. Many times its their full blown security program that is so bloated that most PCs just stop what they are doing when it wants to run. I ALWAYS remove these nuisance programs.

Next I remove all the Internet service files. Earthlink, AT&T and of course AOL put tons of files and services on your new PC whether you want them or not. I figure you'll put the Internet Service Provider you want on your PC. 99% of them don't require special files. Just plug and play.

Lately PC makers have been putting all kinds of photo programs on new PCs. I have to confess that what Windows XP has built in is fine for most people. If you want to do some editing pick up a copy of Photoshop Elements. It has EVERYTHING you need and won't use tons of valuable PC resources.

Bottom line is I have to spend 1/2 hour on EVERY PC that I sell to GET rid of programs you don't want or need. I would love to get a PC with NOTHING but the operating system and Computer drivers on it. That's it. Let the user decide what they want to run.

Rant mode off!

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