Sunday, April 29, 2012

#210 - Safety in an unsafe world

Computer safety has been in the news the past couple of weeks.  The first BIG Mac virus has hit and it is a doozy.  Infecting over 600,000 MACs with a robot virus that takes control of your PC and lets other (evil others) do what they want with your MAC. It is being distributed via infected websites as a Java program that pretends to be an update for the Adobe Flash Player. Very nasty.  Apple had an update out to plug the hole within a week. 

Interestingly, infections like the Mac one I talk about above, are an every day occurrence in the PC world.  And sure enough this weeks panic was the press release by the FBI.   The FBI says that over 300,000 PCs will lose Internet access come July 9, 2012.  Now the FBI isn't pulling the plug on those PCs  What is happening is the infamous "DNS Changer" virus will finally be able to do its worst.  The FBI (and others) have been giving PC owners times to identify that they have this virus and remove it by providing a solution on the Internet.  The cost of providing that solution is at the point where the cost to benefit are to just turn off the protection.  If you are concerned that you might have this virus just click on this link:  If the background is Green, you are safe.  If red you need to give PCSS or another Computer Repair person a call pretty soon.

So how does one stay safe from all these perils in the world of computing.   Short of staying off the Internet there is not sure way to protect yourself 100%.  You should have a good Antivirus/Antimalware product on your PC.  We like AVG, and we like the pay version of AVG much better.  (we don't make much on the pay version for what its worth).  We also recommend that you NEVER download anything without knowing 100% that is is not infected.  Also you need to be careful where you surf on the web.  I can guarantee if you go to risky sites, you will get your PC infected no matter the protection you have.  You should also use a search protection tool such as AVG safe search or Web of Trust to let you know if a site is infected after you do a search.

Its an unsafe world on the Internet.  Yes there is unlimited amounts of information.  But getting to that information can compromise your PC and the valuable information on your PC.  We've see a new virus that HIDES all your information on the PC and its a real bear to recover that information.  Being conservative in you browsing is the best defense.

Monday, April 2, 2012

#209 Spring Cleaning

Every April on the blog we have an article on spring cleaning your tech equipment.  For some strange reason people don't associate cleanliness with their electronics.  Just buy it, use it and it will be OK is the attitude.  Cleaning your tech stuff will prolong their life, prevent the spreading of, ahem germs(disease), and will make them just work better.  You've been warned!

Lets start with tablet PCs.  The ease of use in a tablet goes back to us using fingers on the screen.  Think about that for a while.  Yes you should regularly clean your tablet class.  NO you should not use Windex or any other liquid spray on cleaner.  You definitely don't need an iclean or iwash product.  A simple microfiber cloth will work.  Just dampen the cloth (wring out all the water) and wipe across your screen.  Microfiber cloths can be washed and used for years.  They cost under $2 per cloth and you can get them by the dozen if you don't like to wash.  Google Microfiber cloth for some online purchase option.

Once you have your microfiber cloth you can also use it on your PC monitor or LCD/LED display of your laptop.  Just do the cleaning with the unit turned off for safety.  You can also see the smudges better when everything is turned off.

Your keyboard is your next keeper of vast amounts of dirt.  With the PC turned off, unplug your keyboard, take it outside and gently turn it upside down and shake it.  Lots of stuff (cheeze-it crumbs???) will move on out.  You can then use a can of compressed air (available at Wallyworld or any dollar store) to get the hard to reach gunk.  After the shake and spray you can use alcohol wipes or a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol to disinfect the keys themselves.  Make sure its dry before plugging it back in.

Mice get alot of hand play so clean them regularly.  With the PC turned off, unplug the mouse, and wipe it with Alcohol wipes or a paper towel with rubbing alcohol on it.  DO NOT DIRECTLY SPRAY your mouse.  Again let dry before plugging back in.

You can use your compressed air spray to also spray around your CPU box to get the dust bunnies out of the way.  If you are real ambitious you can open your PC case and get the bunnies out of their also.  Very gently please.  You don't want to get ANYTHING WET in your PC Case.

For Laptops you can clean the keyboard similarly as the PC keyboard.  Just make sure the Laptop is off and you don't get ANY moisture in between the keys.

Printers need to have the paper dust and ink/toner debris cleaned out of them periodically.  Compressed air is your friend.  Just open where ever you put the ink/toner in, remove the toner/ink and gently spray.  Wipe down the exterior of the printer with your microfiber cloth or an alcohol wipe to keep it looking new.

Happy Cleaning!