Monday, April 23, 2007

#56 - Security Technology

Making the world a more secure place has become more of a priority for many administrators and business owners. There are bad people out there and technology can help you protect what you value.

One of the biggest improvements in security is IP cameras. IP cameras take their images and record them on hard disks in a PC. Running security camera feeds through computers allows for unlimited options of problem identification. There are programs that can zoom in on a persons face and match it with a large data base of criminals. Also you can store longer amounts of data to review days after an incident. Security cameras are one of crime fighters best tools.

There are several methods of personal identification that can be used to access equipment or be used for building access control. Finger print identification is the one fatherest along. I have a finger print reader on my new Lenovo laptop. Just pull your finger over the sensor and you are in. No passwords required. The technology certainly has come a long way, but its still not quite there. It usually takes me an average of 2 swipes before the computer gets it right. Another technology that is still cost prohibitive is retinal imaging. A scanner reads the unique image of your retina and matching it with a data base. I've seen it in person twice and it seemed to work pretty good. I'm just fussy about my eyes. Access security needs to be quick and hard to penetrate. I'm sure one of these technologies will meet that bill soon.

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