Thursday, April 12, 2007

#50 - Why?

Well this is #50. Its been a bit over 2 months of posting Monday through Friday. Is it worth the effort? Am I getting anything out of doing it? Are my fingers getting sore? These and more are the questions I need to answer today.

We've had 244 visitors over the past two months. Many of them repeat viewers. Most read the days blog and then bop off the site to the Internet. I hope what I have written is informative. I hope my opinions aren't over bearing. I wish I wrote better! So far it has made me think a bit more about how I feel about technology. That's hard for an engineer. We live for technology! Always wanting the next higher tech gizmo. I've learned some history and revisited some that I had forgot. So over all, in my mind, it has been worth the effort. I would like a bit more feed back (hardly anyone comments on the posts). Let me know how I'm doing! If you agree or disagree, just click on the comment item at the end of the blog.

Am I getting anything out of doing it? Well certainly nothing monetarily. So what I'm getting is knowledge, the satisfaction of writing and knowing someone is listening and just thinking up topics keeps me on my toes. I guess a better question is 'Are you getting anything out of it?' Are you learning? Are you being challenged but what I'm saying? What would you like me to comment on? Lets make this blog more of a two way street!

I first thought, Hey I can drop a few paragraphs off every morning, Monday through Friday, no problem. Um that hasn't been the case. As we have gone on the topics have taken longer to think up. Once I have a topic, it hasn't been an issue on putting out the blog. Just have to get that initial idea. AND make sure it has something to do with technology. There is the challenge.

OK here is the question for you dear reader. Which blogs did you most enjoy? Which left you bland? Those thoughts will help me move forward to the second 50. Thanks!

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