Thursday, July 12, 2007

#89 - More on the Vista Trail

I'm working a laptop for a college student. The university requested Vista, so that's what we got. The university also specified 2GB of RAM (memory). I couldn't find a laptop that met the other specifications and came with 2GB of memory, so I purchased one with 1GB and was going to upgrade it to 2GB. Here is where the fun starts. When I got the laptop there is a bold sheet(8.5'x11") of paper from the manufacturer saying they recommend 2GB of memory for use with Vista. OK, then why did they just sell a computer with only 1GB? Well, that was nice, what is better is the way the manufacturer put the 1GB in the PC. The laptop has 2 memory slots. Logic would say they would put in a 1GB memory module in the first slot and leave the second slot free for the upgrade to 2 GB that they recommended (but didn't even have in the catalog). Of course, what the manufacturer did is populate both slots with 512MB chips so that in order to get to the 2GB that THEY recommend you have to take out BOTH chips and add 2 1GB chips. What a waste. And wait there is more. The first slot is easy to get to on the back of the laptop. The second slot requires you to REMOVE the keyboard from the laptop and mess around on the mother board. Jeez Louise!!!! Could they have screwed up this any more? I think not.

Another customer was given a nice shiny new Dell PC by a relative. It came in with Vista AND 512MB memory. Talk about slow PCs and it is brand NEW! Now Vista will run with just 512 MB memory, but you CAN NOT run any other programs (even IE) with that little memory. I can't believe anyone sells a PC and Vista with that little memory.

So that's just this weeks issues. More to come I'm sure. Just be forewarned if you order VISTA order enough memory.

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