Thursday, July 5, 2007

#87 - Apple with lots of new products on the horizon

The much anticipated release of the Apple iPhone kept the media in a tizzy all weekend. The media seems to love seeing people in lines waiting for products. Now don't get me wrong, I think the iPhone is a nice piece of technology innovation. Unfortunately Apple decided to put its apples in the AT&T (Cingular) basket. AT&T has horrible coverage in the Highlands (just ask our Lumberjack baseball players). So its not really a viable option for the Mogas.

Also recently release is Apple TV. This is a box that can wirelessly stream content from your iTunes library or play content direct from its hard drive. This means you can enjoy almost anything on your PC, Movies, Photos, Music, podcasts and Videos on your TV. Setting this box up is a breeze and running your files is simple. The bad issue is that you have to have an EDTV or HDTV to see the results. Also the files must be iPod compatible. Some video camera formats aren't. Cost is $299 for you uber geeks!

The biggest anticipated product is the new version of the Apple OS, code named Leopard. It was scheduled to appear in the spring, but was pushed back to the fall so that the iPhone could come out on time. Leopard promisses a new approach for backing up your data. Called Time Machine, this syncing program is supposedly the best backup built in to an OS ever. The Time Machine name refers to a feature that allows you to go back in time and find old files and system settings. Another new feature is Spaces. This one lets you operate several desktop area's simultaneouley. For example you can run your media type programs (iPhoto & iTunes) in one Space and your office applications (Word & Excel) in another. You can instantly switch and not have any issues. We'll let you know how this one looks in the fall.

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