Sunday, June 30, 2013

#227 Summer Ramblings

Now that summer is firmly here, I like to think about technology in a bit different light.  That would be a strong summer sunshine focused on the trends and anticipated new gadgets that we didn't even know we require.  A decade or so ago I got my first bag phone and enjoyed being able to run my business out of my car.  I would not be as successful without the portability of the modern cell phone.  The benefit is more than being able to send and receive calls.   I love a quick look up of a problem when the customers computer can't get on the Internet.  Checking my calendar and tasks to be sure I won't miss anything is also a great benefit.  I've said it before and it remains a truth, the cellular smart phone is the most amazing invention in my lifetime.  Now if you asked me before the advent of the cell phone would I need one?  I'm sure I would have said no.  So much for me being the great prognosticator.

I went to training today for the Greenbrier classic golf tournament.  I volunteer as a walking scorer.  That means I walk with the players and put their scores (and more) into a palm held computer that transmits the information to the PGA Shot Link computers in the sky.  The advent of this technology has added over 50 different statistics to a PGA players portfolio.  You can not only find out how a player scored, but his greens in regulation, length of his drives, number of fairways hit and even how successful he is when he lands in the sand.  The walking scorer has to mark down every shot, what type of club was used on the shot and where it lands.  We are even in the fashion business and identify what color clothes a player wears (so he can be identified by the rest of the Shot Link staff and TV crews).  Its a busy job but good exercise and you do get to meet a few players.  This is another technology I didn't see coming, but should have.  Doctors are beginning to use the same technology with electronic medical records.  Your info and lab results are instantly transmitted to the tablets the modern doctor carries around.  It decreases the time waiting for information and that can save lives.

Do you have a video cam on your laptop or computer?  Do you Skype with friends or relatives around the world?  What a great technology.  We have friends in Costa Rica that we use Skype as our main communication tool.  The technology of the small camera has now found its way into cars and more are having  backup cameras installed just above the rear license plate.  Peoples lives and car damage are being saved with these new gadgets.  They will soon be required in most US cars as a safety feature.  I've had a video cam for many years, but never thought about using it as a backup camera.  Oh well, maybe the next great invention will be mine....

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