Sunday, March 1, 2009

#149 - To Text or not to Text

I'm showing my age now. I don't get text messaging. I like a real voice to talk to or at the minimum an email message with real words spelled almost correctly. My cell phone plan allows for text messages to come in. I have to pay for text message out. So I'm asking my self, I don't have to pay for a cell phone call (till I meet my max minutes) so why bother texting when I can just call? I'm sure there are moments when texting makes sense. Like when you are at a game and can't hear, but hey you are at a game. Enjoy the moment!

States are passing laws concerning cell phone usage in cars. They are a few years late. When I drive around Covington, I'd say half the people I pass are on the phone. Now I really can't imagine how someone can drive and text message. I don't have enough hands to steer and type text message and my eyes don't split to be looking at the road and keyboard at the same time. Unless there is a massive crackdown with severe penalties, I don't think regulating cell phone use in cars will be effective. Its like the speeding laws. We see how well they work. What did work was $4.00 a gallon gas. I noticed people driving much slower when the prices were sky high.

Let me know what you think about text messages and texting while driving!


Jim McD said...

Besides you have to find your glasses to read it instead of my hearing aid.

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine trying to text and drive at the same time although I have seen many young drivers do it.
The only plus I can see to txtng over talking is sometimes a txt will go through when the service bubble is too small or sketchy for a call.

Anonymous said...

I know when we left England the law became "no cell phone while driving"! I believe it should be here too. Everywhere you go people are talking or even texting. It's dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. If it's that important pull over and talk. However I do have unlimited texting and have for a long time! Love it. I don't text while driving though. robin